What is the eligibility to hire a self-drive car?
The minimum age required to rent a car is 20 years, with a valid driving license.

What is a maximum kilometer that Car can run in a day?
Its 250 Kms that Car can run in a day.

Is there an agreement/document I need to sign?
Yes, there is a short agreement one needs to sign while picking up the car.

How many people can be accommodated in your cars?
This varies with the car type. We suggest to look for the same while selecting the car type on website.

What is a minimum time/days one can rent the car for?
You can hire it for a minimum of 24 hrs / 1 day.

Are there any taxes on the rental amount?
No, you don’t have to pay extra taxes as GST is included in the rental price.

Why do you charge a security amount?
As a part of our process, we take a security because to make sure the vehicle is kept in good condition.

How long does it takes to get the amount refunded?
If security is deposited in form of cash, return will be done at the time of vehicle return. If security is paid online it takes 7-10 working days to get credited in your account.

Can I pay cash for my booking?
Security amount can be paid in cash. The rental has to be paid online.

What is the fuel type for your cars?
It depends on the variant, information about fuel is mentioned with every vehicle at our website.

What is the fuel efficiency of the cars?
This varies from car to car & is also dependent on the road/traffic conditions and driving style.

Can someone else book for me?
Yes, but the person whose name has been mentioned in the reservation form, needs to come along with the required documents to pick up the car.

Can my friend/relative come to pick up the car?
No, only the person whose name has been mentioned in the reservation form needs to come along with the required documents to pick up the car.

Why do you give cars with a commercial number plate?
As per traffic laws, private number cannot be used for commercial purpose as insurance becomes invalid.

Will the police bother me for yellow number plate?
No, we provide you with adequate legal documents to drive a self-drive registered car. You please carry your driving license.

Why do I need to pay commercial state tax when I am driving it for a personal use?
All states RTO have different regulations and road tax are mandatory to pay.

Hire a Self Drive Car